Friday, January 22, 2010

Cheaper by the Dozen

Now, how many of you thought this was a baby announcement? *giggles* Nope, God hasn't given us another baby-blessing yet. But He's mightily blessed us in another way this week. My husband was offered a wonderful new job and we're moving....again. This will be our twelfth move in almost 12 years of marriage, and being as OCD as I am, I certainly do like that it will finally be an even dozen moves now. *giggles again* But moving....again...brings with it a huge amount of work, a huge need for organization, and a need for motivation that I sometimes feel unable to grasp my head, heart or hurting hips around. (I do believe I feel a Bootcamper's Guide to Moving coming on!)
With this move on my heart, I was utterly blessed by what Malia Russell (of Homemaking 911 sent to my inbox this morning.
If you are feeling "inwardly rushed" today - if, like me, you feel like Sisyphus pushing your huge to-do list up the hill, just to have it roll back down on you again tomorrow - please be blessed by what Malia writes. Take a deep breath, listen to God's still, small voice, and take the next thing as it comes.

"Do you ever have so much to do that you feel completely overwhelmed? Do you feel too tired, too weak, too irritated, too disorganized, too ___________(fill in the blank) to possibly get everything done that you should?

Beloved, I sometimes feel like that too.

But in my recent reading I read an incredible quote from one of my favorite authors, Amy Carmichael.

"..she learned that duties do not clash any more than do the stars. If we become inwardly rushed we shall feel as if they were all [the children in her care] demanding attention at once. But if we are inwardly quiet we shall see the purposed sequence and take them one by one. An angel is never sent on more than one errand at a time."

So if duties do not clash, we must learn to listen and watch for the ONE voice that can take all the disorder and chaos and give us purposed sequence. This reminds me of another author I love, Elizabeth Elliot from whom I learned the phrase: "Just do the next thing."

But these two ladies had something more than just an idea or a formula. The key to being able to be successful in perceiving and doing "the next thing" is a close relationship with the Lord.

There are times in my walk with the Lord when I feel extremely close to Him. He is at my side, at my shoulder, whispering in my ear, guiding my footsteps. And there are those times when I am so busy in my own agenda, I forget he is there. The difference for me between those times seems to be quite commiserate with whether or not I am sincerely praying and reading or studying his Word. It also has to do with what I use to fill my head all day. The music I choose to play in the car, the books I read at bedtime, the websites I read, the devotional I keep tucked in my bathroom or in my purse can all help fill me with the good things that will lead me ever-closer to my Lord.

Alternatively, if I fill my head with spiritual junk food, the noise and clamor of the world will seep in once again. My tasks will be overwhelming because I have no one clearly directing my path.

So, today, I am reminded once again that if I am inwardly quiet I shall see the proposed sequence and take my day one thing at a time.

"My vocation is no game." - The Golden Road, Raymond De Perrot"

Thanks, Malia, for reminding me that God never gives us a task without equipping us for it mightily.
"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Eph. 2:10


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