Are You Setting Goals?
January is a time for new beginnings and getting excited about planning for the year ahead. Maybe you made some resolutions or set some goals for yourself and your family this year. Was one of your goals to live more simply this year? What about growing some of your own food, or maybe getting chickens? Have you thought about taking charge of your family’s health by using herbs or essential oils, or even real food as medicine?
I took an amazing course by life coach Michael Hyatt in 2016 that taught me the difference between making New Year’s resolutions and setting goals with real actionable steps. The former will often fizzle out by the third week of January (that’s NOW!) because even though your intentions were great, the resolution was too broad, too intangible, too unattainable to make progress on. Instead, I learned to set goals - which can be fairly broad- and then break them down into smaller intermediate goals and assign action steps to each. I even learned to avoid overwhelm by not assigning 25 action steps to each intermediate goal…but just ONE AT A TIME. It’s all about baby steps. Assign an action step, complete it. Assign the next action step. Complete that. In no time at all, you’ll be reaching your intermediate goals, and then hitting your big one!
You Have to Dive In!
We’ve had “go off off-grid” as one of our goals for about 4 years now. That’s a BIG, GENERAL, oftentimes OVERWHELMING goal. So we have lots of intermediate goals built in, like develop independent food sources, and develop homesteading skills, (such as gardening, animal husbandry, woodlot management, tool usage and permaculture.)
At this point, we have to pick one skill we want to learn, and figure out HOW we’re going to learn it. In the past, this is where I hit a wall. There are a multitude of blog posts and YouTube videos out there, but so often I would find conflicting advice. I really needed a homesteader friend to come along beside me and tell me what I needed to do. And for years, this caused “Goal Paralysis”. Until last year, when I had this huge (simple) revelation: There’s always, ALWAYS, going to be more that I don’t know. But if I wait until I feel like I know it all, I’ll never move toward completing my goals at all.
So here’s the good news! If you, like me, wish you had a friend to come along beside you and teach you simple living wisdom and back to basics knowledge, Bill and Jennifer Osuch from the Self Reliant School (where they teach gardening, real food cooking and preserving skills), have put together an amazing Back to Basics Living Bundle.
If you read my blog at all, you probably know how bundles work: Multiple authors get together and offer their resources at an extreme discount so the reader gets an amazing value (while the authors get an excited new audience!)
This year's bundle includes more than 70 resources to help you get back to basics and will help you:
- Plant and harvest your own vegetables
- Cook from scratch using nourishing real food
- Learn what it means to live a simpler life, with less stress
- Create a wholesome, healthy food storage system
- Learn how to create and use natural remedies such as herbs and oils
- Learn how to live a more frugal life, do more things yourself, manage a small homestead, and much much more!
Who Wrote This Thing?
Simply put: these authors are some of the best in the business! A lot of them have official credentials, but more importantly they are bloggers and writers are who are "walking the walk" by living a back to basics lifestyle. They are out there on the front lines sharing what works and what doesn't. Even if you decide not to follow their advice, they are worth listening to!
But it's also kind of like buying your first chicks and chicken paraphernalia; there's a ton of stuff and it can be overwhelming. That's why they have created a getting started guide that will help you utilize the most relevant information to you so you can begin getting back to basics immediately.
Plus, the Back To Basics Living Bundle has more than 12 bonus offers that are exclusive to the bundle. In fact, if you took advantage of just half the bonus offers you'd come out ahead. In other words, the bundle would be paid for by the savings from purchases made through the bonus offers.
How Much Is This Thing?
Did I mention you can download your bundle INSTANTLY for under $30?
No more resolutions, no more overwhelm. Consider this bundle as one of the first, best, and most frugal action steps toward reaching your ultimate simpler living, self-sufficiency goals.
The bundle is only available for a few days: January 16-22, so don't wait too long.
Click here to find out more and get yours!
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