Friday, April 24, 2015

Need Some Organizing Inspiration? Here's the Deal!

Happy Friday, Bootcampers!

How are y'all doing?  I know I’m having a busy day here. My husband was out of town working in another state for almost two weeks, and now that he’s home again, it’s full-bore homesteading today!

My menfolk (and some of the little ladies) are out moving split wood and shoveling compost, getting the property ready for fencing and chickens (I’m so excited about the chickens, I can’t sleep at night. Yes, I’m that that lady.)

 Tomorrow, however, is supposed to be heavy rain. Again. Because Southwest Ohio, y’all. So we have the whiteboard filled with a long list of inside projects for tomorrow, and they all have a common theme: ORGANIZE. A big part of ORGANIZE is DISCARD. I’m a little more than half-way through Marie Kondo’s “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up ”, and overall, it inspires me. (When I finish the book, and give it a chance in implementation, I’ll write a review.) I know the biggest task for tomorrow is to go through boxes and boxes and boxes of children’s clothes and give away a lot. We hope God blesses us with more children, so we’re not willing to give away all the clothes smaller than my youngest of each boy and girl, but we are willing to pare down significantly.

How many t-shirts could a kid possibly need?
When you’re the crazy family with eight (and hopefully more) kiddos, people looooove to give you their children’s outgrown clothes. While this is often a blessing, there are some outfits that I kept and hung up in the closet for 4 children in a row and they were never put on said children. Never. So away they go. There is just too much stuff and not enough space in here, and it’s a little suffocating.

So tell me, what organization projects do y’all have going, friends? If you’re looking for help or inspiration, let me tell you about this great deal: There are 4 organizing eBooks and Printables - worth $64.96 - in the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle sale that’s going on right now.


And the bundle costs only $29.97. 

That right there would be an awesome deal, but of course, you won’t ONLY get those 4 eBooks and printables. You’ll also get 95 other amazing eBooks, eCourses, audio courses, and bonuses. For under 30 bucks! Altogether, the bundle is worth more than $1,200.

Personally, I’m really excited to try out Mystie Winckler’s Paperless Home Organization system. While I love the idea of binders, I’m generally a digital person in every other way. Sometimes I’ll print out all the pretty sheets and stick them in a binder and they’ll go completely unused, while I keep all my actual notes in the Wunderlist app on my iPod, or organized in the colorful folders on my computer desktop.

Hop on over to my blog post to check out all the resources in the deal, or head over to the Ultimate Bundle site to grab yours! But don’t miss out, because the doors are closing in just...

And don't forget: When you buy an Ultimate Homemaking Bundle through me, I'll send you an eBook version of Bootcamp for Lousy Housekeepersfor free! Just email me at bootcampforlousyhousekeepers (at) gmail (dot) com and I'll match your name with the ledger! Well, a big box full of homeschool papers to sort awaits me. I'd better get back to it! Have a great weekend, Bootcampers --  I hope wherever you are, you are warm, happy and productive!

 photo buckeye_zpsxcf4sskm.jpg

Just so you know: Some of my links are affiliate links. That means I get a little bit back if you choose to purchase a linked item.

It doesn't cost you anything, but it might help me buy another chicken... Win-Win! Thanks!  


  1. I'm also organizing....books. I'm a bibliophile, so parting with books is beyond painful. However, the new king size bed comes on Monday, and the wall of bookshelves that surround the current bed have to go, which means the books also have to go. I'm deciding what will go in the next mini-yard sale, and what will remain but move to another bank of book shelves!

    1. Reading Robin Zasio's "The Hoarder in You", I've learned there's a term for that --Bibliomania, or Tsundoku. I sometimes get attached to things- we all do - but I can generally be rational and process my anxiety about discarding most everything. Books is another story! Glad my husband is a natural-born discarder who lets me know when enough is enough!! :)
