Monday, April 27, 2015

Last Chance for Your Bundle!

Hey, Bootcampers!

I know you've been hearing about the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle in every little corner of the internet this week. And I won't bug you anymore about it after this brief reminder.

But tomorrow about this time, I'm going to start getting desperate e-mails. A few of you will comment on the blog. I'm going to hear from wonderful people who got busy or distracted or thought, "I'll get to it tomorrow!" and didn't buy the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle I've been promoting all week long. And they will ask me, "Isn't there ANY WAY I can still get a bundle?" Unfortunately, the answer is always no. And these people are always so disappointed. (And I am so disappointed for them!) Don't let it happen to you!

Many of you have read these posts from me to remind you about this great deal. Some of you have seen my updates over on Facebook, my pins, my tweets. Maybe you wanted to buy one, but you've been putting it off until later. Friend, you won't get any more reminders! This deal is over tonight at midnight. If you've been waiting until the right moment, that moment is now! Get it today before it goes away forever.

Brief Overview of what's included: 
✔ 76 eBooks 

✔ 6 eCourses 

✔ 1 audio download 

✔ 2 online conferences, & 

✔ 14 printable packs 

 That's over $1200-worth of stuff for only $29.97. Do the math.

That's about a 97% savings.  

Still not sure about the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle? They have a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can buy it now and have a whole month to check out the products. You've got nothing to lose!

And don't forget that I am throwing in my own bonus if you buy the bundle using my links. I'll send you a free copy of my book, Bootcamp for Lousy Housekeepers. Just email me once you've purchased the bundle, and I'll send along your bonus! 


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Just so you know: Some of my links are affiliate links. That means I get a little bit back if you choose to purchase a linked item. It doesn't cost you anything, but it might help me buy another chicken...Win-Win! Thanks!

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